Neither borrower nor a lender be!  

Posted by lafemmereva in , ,

Neither a borrower nor a lender be,
For loan oft loses both itself and friend,

And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.

In Hamlet, Polonius says this to his son Laertes before he goes to Paris.

And 10 out of 10 fathers/mothers would have told their 20 something teenagers this before they left home for their first jobs.

So, if you had paid some heed to your dad/mom's word you would have taken stock of your finances today and got the maximum fun out of your Refund (Tax). Else you've missed the bus and now have to run after the extension bus.

Bah! what did our folks have to worry about as 20 somethings. Just bell bottoms, afros and humongous shades. I may have looked something like this if was a teen in the 70's.

Good night! Dream on for a new day beckons you with it's endless possibilities. Like it did for Matt tonight. Would Matt Giraud have ever thought before going to bed last night that he would herald a new American 'Idol' first for being "saved" by the judges?

This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 at Wednesday, April 15, 2009 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



Bloody Hilarious babe!!! My roomie and I almost died laughing see that pic! You should be paid for entertaining us everyday. No, you will be blessed. God Knows how many IT people like me long to read your blog for some much needed entertainment.

April 15, 2009

The Hendrix hair, the Parton blush, the Elvis shades ..... out of the 70's rock and roll .... flabbergasting ....devastating ... !!

The classical beginning and the modern end ...

After all these comments .. "Do u wanna have franship with me plisss?"

April 15, 2009

nice pic man!! u wuldnt hav looked that bad!!!

keep blogging!!

April 16, 2009 look so cool, I can't believe you did that to your hair :))

April 16, 2009

baaboiiii... revathi!!! love you man, for that picture.. how damn creative of you. you know what, each day when i wake up, apart from cheking mails/orkut(my usual routine until you started the blogging marathon), i take a quick look at your blog to see if there's something new. thank you!

April 16, 2009

Oh man, I can't stop laughing. That pic is hilarious........

yes yes yes i wanna have "fraanship" with you.

April 16, 2009

@smita I prefer Euros!! :P

April 19, 2009

@lucifer Or maybe you wanna "poke" me on facebook!!! :P

April 19, 2009

@Parv yeah!! me thinks I would have looked way worse!!! :P I forgot to add hoop earrings!! sigh!

April 19, 2009

@swetha dya need my stylist's reference? :P

April 19, 2009

@ Jusha :) I shall consider one plate of cool curd rice from you as a token of appreciation:P

April 19, 2009

@Jusha actually some thai noodles also :P

April 19, 2009

@Ersa do you want to send me a "hug" in facebook too!! ? :P

April 19, 2009

That pic cracked me up totally...hope you had a good refund...

April 19, 2009

@rads....yup!!! atleast I didn't have to shell out !!!

April 22, 2009

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