Poetic Inertia!  

Posted by lafemmereva in

On a Maniac Tuesday after a 2 hour brainstorming session on how to become a system expert in 2 hrs , my stomach was threatening to start a mutiny and soon it was that time of the noon when even a power nap can't save you from the strains of hard(ly) labor, Snoopy(a pal of mine whom I shall frequently mention for the remainder of my blogging days)and I exchange a few mails back and forth:

Moi: Ringa Ringa Roses, Code full of hoaxes, Husha Busha, All (systems) fall down!
Snoopy: Twinkle Twinkle little code
How I wonder what you load
Up above my head so high
Your bugs make me cry !

With a power nap beckoning and a status mail reckoning caffeine is the panacea and on my way out of office to Starbucks for a Cafe Misto, I see a couple of plaques on a co-worker's workstation which say...

"Trespassers will be prostituted"
"Shut up and work, you are not paid to think! "

Nah! I tell Green Day crooning on my Ipod! "I don't walk a lonely road! "

This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 at Tuesday, July 15, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


When pressure and anxiety get to u,
take a break and go to the loo !!
Sprite bujhaye only pyass,
Baki all bakwass !!

Last two lines are stolen but the first two r original .... believe me madame .......... :) :)

July 15, 2008

whoa.. i loved the way u ended it... Green Day.. !! fabulous...

whooze snooopy ( intriguing..;-) )

July 17, 2008

hehehe!! :) Thanks Yels

March 31, 2009

yeah yeah!!! born original no?

March 31, 2009

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