Mrs. Daddy! Come with your wand  

Posted by lafemmereva in

Mrs Daddy! Come with your wand
I'm lost in a distant dorothy's land
Safe I can never be
Until you come and sing/read to me

Torn , worn lovelorn and damned
Heal me with the touch of your hand
Retracing the first few baby steps taken
I shall once again walk the road not taken

I am on a voyage in the cruel lonely ocean
My soul devoid of thought and emotion
Hurry make me my spinach as I am on sail
That will make the popeye in me warrant a bail

Days of toil have murdered my mirth
Your divine absence has lead to lucifer's birth
Missing your hands that rocked my cradle from birth
With no lullaby sung I no longer like inhabiting like earth

Come fly me away tonight
Swiftly like an eagle in flight
Tuck me again in your undying bossom
Where I shall once again blossom

This entry was posted on Sunday, December 9, 2007 at Sunday, December 09, 2007 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


One word to describe it, and that is beautiful !!

Keep writing ...

December 09, 2007


April 05, 2009

this was one of your most mature and deep poems tht i hav come across.... it does what its meant to do... conveys emotions.


April 16, 2009

@parv Thanks!!! way back when I started I wasn't sure of my style so I would mostly write poems because that came naturally to me. But then one day I wrote a post "The story so far..." and that got like I don't know how many hits. I have quite stopped writing poems these days (the serious ones). I'm sure it will make a comeback!

April 19, 2009

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